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10 Amazing feats of modern engineering


Modern engineering marvels are designed to solve a problem and make life better for humans. From bridges that span vast distances to spacecraft that send men to the moon, these marvels are impressive examples of innovation and creativity.

The Three Gorges Dam on the Yangtze River is the world’s largest dam. It produces electricity, increases shipping capacity and reduces flooding by creating a reservoir.

10 Three Gorges Dam

The Three Gorges Dam is an engineering marvel that harnesses the power of the Yangtze River to produce prodigious amounts of electricity. It’s also helped alleviate catastrophic floods in China by directing floodwaters downstream.

It took 17 years to complete the construction of the dam, which was built in three stages. The first stage lasted five years from 1992 to 1997, during which time cofferdam construction and the excavation of a diversion channel were completed. A permanent navigation lock was also constructed during this phase.

In the second stage, which lasted six years from 1998 to 2003, the construction of the power station and permanent navigation locks were finished. During the third and final phase, which lasted from 2003 to 2009, the installation of all machinery was carried out and the reservoir was successfully closed. The dam is the largest in the world, and its colossal size has made it an engineering wonder to behold.

9 Offshore gas pipelines

Pipelines are used to transport oil and gas from the ocean floor to platforms. They are usually buried underground, which protects them from the elements and prevents leaks. This system is also more economical than shipping fuel by rail or truck.

Since the end of World War II, offshore pipeline construction methods have changed. Instead of massive, towed reels, pipe-laying vessels use coiled pipes that they unroll to remarkable lengths. These subsea infrastructure systems safely connect oil and gas production platforms with refineries on land.

These systems are comprised of pipelines, city gate stations and storage facilities. A compressor station supplies energy to ensure that the gas flows through the pipeline at the correct flow rate and pressure. Some pipelines transport only oil or only gas, while others transfer a mixture of the two. Most pipeline systems are buried under the sea, although above-ground systems are possible where natural rock formations or other obstacles prevent below-surface construction.

8 Millau Viaduct

A massive cable-stayed bridge that spans the Tarn gorge in southern France. The concrete and steel structure is the world’s tallest bridge at a height of 343 meters. It required 13 years of studies and consultation before construction began in 2001.

Engineers had to devise a way to build the bridge without disrupting the local wildlife and preserving the beautiful natural location. They decided to use a unique technique that involved two wedges of roadway, one above the other.

A lower wedge retracts from under the upper one, lowering the roadway and creating space for vehicles to pass underneath. This method was a huge engineering challenge but it proved to be very effective. The bridge has won several awards since its completion in 2004 and even appeared in the ending of a scene in the 2007 console and PC video game James Bond 007: Blood Stone.

7 FAST telescope

The FAST telescope is one of the largest radio telescopes in the world. It is located in a remote area of China and can detect signals from thousands of light years away. It can answer questions like how the universe got started and whether there is life on other planets.

Slower telescopes can also be useful for astronomy as they can tease out surface details on planets and moons at high magnifications. However, a slow telescope’s disadvantage is that it may be dimmer than a fast one.

The Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope, also known as Tianyan, is the world’s biggest single-dish radio telescope. Its primary surface reaches half a kilometer in diameter and is built into a natural depression of karstic rock in the Guizhou province of China. It is 3 times more sensitive than the Arecibo radio telescope and can cover a larger region of the sky. Scientists are using it to search for extraterrestrial intelligence by detecting pulsars, rotating stars that emit radio waves.

6 MOSE project

The MOSE project (Modulo Sperimentale Elettromeccanico, or Experimental Electromechanical Module) is an innovative system to protect Venice from flooding. Its mobile barriers separate the lagoon from the Adriatic Sea during acqua alta high tides. The MOSE project has also improved the city’s infrastructure and allowed historic buildings to be restored.

The barriers can be raised in eight minutes by hydraulic motors, allowing them to withstand waves of up to 130 cm. Combined with raising canal banks and areas around the center of the city, the baby MOSE system can protect 86% of Venice from high water levels.

Although criticized by many, MOSE has bought Venice time and may be able to stave off the worst effects of climate change. Without it, the city would be submerged. But, it’s not a permanent solution and will need to be replaced in the future. It remains to be seen whether the city will be able to afford this replacement.

5 Langkawi Sky Bridge

If you are one of those people who love to enjoy adrenaline rushes and get a taste of nature, then Langkawi Sky Bridge is the perfect place for you. This curved bridge is located at the peak of Gunung Mat Cincang on Pulau Langkawi in Malaysia and offers breathtaking views of surrounding islands and the majestic forests.

The slender walkway curves around an 82-meter high pylon and widens at each end to form triangular observation decks. It has been praised for its stunning aerial views of the surrounding rainforests and mountains, and is a must-see destination for adventure lovers.

You can easily reach the spot by taking a flight to Langkawi and commuting the rest of the distance from there via road or railways. Alternatively, you can also take a ferry from Kuala Lumpur to reach the jetty that is situated in the center of the island. This is a cheaper option and will save you the hassle of travelling long distances.

4 Palm Jumeirah

Whether it’s a bridge or tunnel that connects cities or countries, a spacecraft that takes you to the moon, or a skyscraper built to withstand an earthquake, all engineering wonders have one thing in common: they were made to solve a problem and make life easier for humankind. And as engineering continues to advance, more and more amazing marvels are being constructed.

Located off the coast of Dubai in the United Arab Emirates, Palm Jumeirah is a man-made archipelago that resembles the palm tree when seen from space. Apartments, retail facilities and hotels are situated on the fronds of the palm while closely spaced villas line the trunk.

It took six years to build the Palm and Sheikh Mohammed claims that 800 football stadiums could fit on it alone. Despite its astounding size, many fascinating nuances of this engineering marvel are still unknown to the general public. MyBayut has compiled a list of jaw-dropping Palm Jumeirah facts to give you a peek behind the curtain.

3 International Space Station

The International Space Station is perhaps the most fascinating engineering marvel. It was the first time humans lived in space permanently, and it continues to host astronauts to this day. It is a massive modular platform in orbit, with living quarters and laboratories. Its incredible engineering feat is that it is able to power and cool itself in space, while shielding its inhabitants from the blinding sun and crushing cold of space.

While the ISS is a remarkable aerospace engineering accomplishment, it also serves as an incredible example of global cooperation and diplomacy. The US and Russia both use the facility for scientific research, and the astronauts must work together to maintain it. This often requires them to go on spacewalks for maintenance.

From the Millau Viaduct, which is one of the world’s tallest bridges, to the Large Hadron Collider, which may reveal new patterns in space-time, these extraordinary achievements are amazing feats of modern engineering. These incredible achievements will surely inspire young STEM students to pursue careers as engineers.

2 Mars Exploration Rovers and Sky Crane

Whether it’s a railway that connects cities and countries, an orbiting space station or a skyscraper built to withstand earthquakes, all great engineering marvels have one thing in common: they are designed to solve a problem. Whether it be protecting the Netherlands against flooding or helping humans reach Mars, there’s no shortage of incredible structures that have been created by engineers all over the world.

The Hoover Dam, for example, has protected the Colorado River Valley from floods and is a true engineering achievement. The Millau Viaduct – a cable-stayed bridge in the Gorge Valley of the Tarn in Southern France – is another example. The visually stunning structure is the tallest road bridge in the world, with its central pillar reaching 343 metres above the ground – higher than the Eiffel Tower.

More recently, NASA’s Mars rover Perseverance was lowered to the surface by the ‘sky crane’ during its landing sequence. We’re hoping that Perseverance finds fossilised microbial mats or some other evidence of life on the red planet.

1 Burj Khalifa, the tallest structure in the world 

The highest structure in the world, the Burj Khalifa, is situated in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The tower is 828 meters high and took over 110,000 tonnes of concrete and 22 million man-hours to construct. It also features over 31,000 tonnes of steel rebar. In comparison, the Eiffel Tower is 377 meters high and the Empire State Building is 305 meters long.

The building was designed by Adrian Smith, an American architect who had already designed several famous structures. He won the contract to design the tower after a competition that was held inviting architects from all over the world to submit their designs. After rigorous testing of the proposed plans, Smith’s design was chosen.

When construction started, Smith used innovative technologies to make the structure withstand extreme weather conditions. For example, the steel that was used in the building was only half of what would have been needed for older buildings like the Empire State Building. This helped to reduce the amount of time required for the building’s construction, and it also reduced the cost of materials.

The tower is surrounded by beautiful parks, a man-made lake, and pathways for people to walk. A great deal of thought went into designing the surrounding spaces of the tower, which has resulted in a truly impressive urban landscape.

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