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9 Beautiful Natural Sights That You Must See in Your Life


9 Beautiful Natural Sights That You Must See in Your Life

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The United States packs spectacular biodiversity within its borders, from rushing waterfalls to sky-scraping mountain ranges and icy ice caves. Here are 10 beautiful natural sights that you must see in your life.

1. Niagara Falls

The world is full of breath-taking waterfalls, but not many rival the sheer awe of Niagara Falls. Three cascades gushing along the US-Canada border—Horseshoe, American and Bridal Veil Falls—create this one-of-a-kind wonder.

You can see the falls from a street-level promenade, take an elevator down to the Journey Behind the Falls or feel the cool mist of Horseshoe Falls on a Maid of the Mist tour. But there’s so much more to discover about this spectacular waterscape: Fossilized ferns and clam-like mollusks have been found in the gorge, and the roaring Niagara River creates a whirlpool just below the actual falls.

2. The Grand Canyon

The Grand Canyon may not be the largest or deepest canyon on Earth, but it’s truly breathtaking in its own way. It’s one of the world’s most famous national parks and it is simply awe-inspiring to stand on the rim and gaze down into its layers.

The park also offers countless opportunities for hiking, rafting, climbing and other outdoor adventures. It’s also home to an ancient mystery – the Grand Canyon displays a geological phenomenon called the Great Unconformity, where 250 million-year-old rock strata lie back-to-back with 1.2 billion-year-old rocks. No one knows what happened in the hundreds of millions of years between!

3. Yellowstone National Park

A visit to Yellowstone National Park is one that everyone should have on their bucket list. This world-renowned natural wonder is home to over 10,000 different hydrothermal features such as hot springs, geysers and gurgling mud volcanoes. It also houses a supervolcano, the Yellowstone Caldera, where molten rock lurks beneath the Earth’s surface.

The colorful Grand Prismatic Spring is one of the most famous landmarks in the park. The vivid colors of this natural phenomenon are captured in many photographs and will definitely take your breath away!

The roaring Tower Fall waterfall is another must-see. It’s best to see this stunning waterfall at dawn or dusk as animals are most active then.

4. Pamukkale

There is no better way to see Pamukkale than by hot air balloon. Guests are treated to an incredible bird’s eye view of the calcite terraces, Hierapolis ruins and lush surrounding countryside.

The best time to visit Pamukkale is during the spring months. This is when the temperatures are moderate and there aren’t as many people.

The ruins of Hierapolis are also open at this time, and it’s possible to swim in the Antique Pool which was once a gift from Mark Anthony to Cleopatra. You can wear a bikini in Turkey after all, so don’t be afraid to bathe in the pools in your swimwear.

5. Lake Nakuru National Park

The park is best known for its pink flamingos that flock here in huge numbers throughout the year. It also features a number of other animals, including four of the Big Five safari animals and endangered white rhinos.

It is a beautiful park with rocky escarpments and areas forested in acacia. There are 400 bird species and over 50 mammal species that call Lake Nakuru home.

You can see the flora at its most vibrant in the wet season, between June and August. The rest of the year the wildlife is more difficult to spot. There are plenty of animals to see in the park, including buffaloes, hippos, lions and leopards as well as waterbucks, reedbuck and bushbuck.

6. Zhangjiajie National Forest

The Zhangjiajie National Forest is home to some of the most breathtaking natural sights in China. This beautiful park is famous for its towering sandstone mountains and mystical rock formations. It was first popularized as the inspiration for the movie Avatar, but it has long been a stunning sight that inspires visitors to explore.

The peaks of the mountains in this park have unique shapes, and they often appear as if they are in the air. They also feature gorges, conduits, and rock waterfalls.

Some of the highlights in this beautiful park include the No. 1 Bridge in the World and Hallelujah Mountain. Visitors should also be sure to take the Bailong Elevator, which is known as the world's highest outdoor elevator.

7. The Salt Flats of Bolivia

One of the most unique natural sights in Bolivia is the renowned Uyuni salt flats, where the landscape looks like it’s from another planet. Hop on a tour to explore the flats, which are also home to a red lake and flamingos. The best time to visit the salt flats is during the rainy season from December to March, when water covers the flats and creates optical illusions.

Other highlights include the salt city of Tarija, which boasts quaint street markets and restored museums. Plus, Laguna Colorada is a must-see for its stunning shades of blue and crimson.

8. The Aurora Borealis

The Aurora Borealis is a beautiful natural phenomenon that happens when solar wind particles from the sun collide with gases in the earth’s atmosphere. This creates curtains of glowing light that dance in the night sky.

It is also known as the northern lights or aurora borealis and the southern lights or aurora australis. The phenomenon is most visible in the north and south polar regions of our planet.

The Auroras appear as rivers of greenish-blue light that swirl and glow across the sky. It’s best to see them in places where there is little light pollution and clear skies.

9. The Colorado River

As North America’s mighty Rocky Mountains and other landscapes showcase their wild beauty, the nation is filled with stunning escapes. One of the largest sand dunes in the world to alpine fishing streams and ponderosa pine-shaded picnic areas, this vast country offers the ultimate nature bucket list.

The Colorado River is among the most iconic of natural wonders. Starting in its namesake state, it winds through several iconic landscapes and national parks before flowing into the Gulf of California. It’s also the main source of water for over 40 million people. One of the highlights is Hanging Lake, a spectacular example of travertine geological formation. This natural treasure can be accessed via a scenic- albeit steep and strenuous-backcountry hike.


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