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9 Amazing Waterfalls Around the World

Whether they cascade down rocky cliffs or into glistening pools, waterfalls are an awe-inspiring sight that can give you moments of tranquility. Check out these 10 amazing waterfalls around the world that are worth adding to your bucket list.

Straddling the border between Argentina and Brazil, Iguazu Falls are one of the most magnificent waterfalls in South America.

1. Victoria Falls

Victoria Falls, located on the border between Zambia and Zimbabwe, is one of the most spectacular natural wonders in the world. Also known as Mosi oa Tunya (“the smoke that thunders”), the falls are a dazzling sight to behold.

The mighty Zambezi River plunges over the edge of this gorge creating a curtain of water that is one of the widest in the world. It is a spectacular sight to see and is also a prime spot for adrenaline-seekers to test their skills with white water rafting, the 111 m high bungee jump, river surfing, gorge swings, and so much more.

A unique experience is watching the moonlight reflect off the spray and create a dazzling rainbow at night, a phenomenon known as a “moonbow”. The beauty of this natural spectacle is truly something to behold.

2. Horseshoe Falls

The Horseshoe Falls is the biggest of the three waterfalls that make up Niagara. Its name is derived from its shape, which is shaped like a horseshoe. This shape provides stability and creates deep plunge pools.

The water that creates the Horseshoe Falls is from the Niagara River, which drains Lake Erie into Lake Ontario. This stunning natural wonder is also an important source of hydroelectric power.

One of the best ways to see the Horseshoe Falls is to take a boat cruise with Hornblower. This allows you to get up close to the roaring waters and feel the spray.

The Horseshoe Falls is the most powerful waterfall in North America, with a flow rate of 168,000 cubic meters per minute. The waterfall’s impressive size and natural beauty make it an iconic sight that attracts millions of tourists each year.

3. Iceland’s Vatnajökull

Known as “The Land of Fire and Ice,” Iceland is home to several impressive glaciers. But none of them rival the voluminous Vatnajokull.

Its features include deep canyons, hyaloclastite hills, and two glacial rivers. But it’s the ice cap that is the star of the show.

The park also includes eight subglacial volcanoes, two of which are frequently active. When they erupt, sudden glacial floods (known as jokulhlaups in Iceland) can occur.

Because of its immense size and unique natural beauty, it was recently designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site. This makes it the largest national park and glacier in Europe, as well as one of the continent’s most fascinating natural wonders. You can explore the area by car or on foot, though it’s recommended that you join a tour for experiences like glacier hiking and exploring ice caves.

4. Bigar Falls

Romania is home to many jaw-dropping natural sites, but Bigar Falls stands out from the rest. It has even been featured in several articles and is known as one of the most beautiful waterfalls in the world. 

The story behind this stunning waterfall is a true fairytale. Legend has it that two brothers fell in love with the same woman, a shepherdess. When they saw her grazing her sheep on a cloudy day, they both stretched their arms toward her, frightening her and making her fall into the waterfall.

The waterfall is a part of the Cheile Nerei-Beusnita Gorges National Park. It’s surrounded by a forest and the water from the waterfall spreads in tiny shreds, forming a moss-covered travertine. The rounded moss-covered rock and cliff edge of the waterfall gives it a unique appearance.

5. Verdant Falls

Verdant Falls features a number of stunning waterfalls, including a scenic canyon and a natural sandstone bridge. The canyon walls are overgrown with ferns and moss and the area is home to many animals. The natural sandstone bridge is hidden behind a forest of beech, oak and hickory trees.

The Upper Falls in Waterfall Canyon is a breathtaking display of nature’s beauty and power. The 200-foot waterfall cascades down rugged cliffs and is framed by lush greenery. The trail leading to the falls is moderately challenging and offers scenic views of the surrounding mountains and valleys.

The Lower Calf Creek Falls is a desert oasis with a beautiful 126-foot waterfall that spills into a crystal clear pool. This hidden gem is a popular destination for hiking enthusiasts and photographers. Despite its pristine beauty the Lower Calf Creek Falls is not without its share of history.

6. Blue Nile Falls

Located near Bahir Dar in northwest Ethiopia, the Blue Nile’s most dramatic event occurs here at Tis Isat Falls (literally “Smoking Water”), where millions of gallons of water cascade over a deep gorge. The spray of the waterfall creates a perpetual rainforest around the gorge, where monkeys and multicolored birds live in the dense vegetation.

Visitors can reach the falls by a hiking route that starts 50 meters from the ticket office in Tis Abay village. The pathway leads through fertile countryside and across a 17th-century Portuguese stone bridge — the first of its kind in Ethiopia — before ascending through small hamlets to the main waterfall viewpoints.

You can also see this amazing natural beauty from the air using drone photography. The aerial perspective gives an entirely different experience and allows you to capture the true scale of the falls.

7. Iguazu Falls

The Iguazu Falls, which straddle the border of Argentina and Brazil, are both breathtakingly beautiful and jaw-droppingly powerful. This spectacular waterfall system features 275 different waterfalls, including the curved cataract christened “the Devil’s Throat” that boasts 14 separate falls. Iguazu’s surrounding subtropical rainforest is home to more than 2,000 plant species.

Visitors can get up close to the waterfalls via a series of rustic-looking boardwalks, or they can take a helicopter tour for a bird’s eye view. During a 5-day window around the full moon, it’s also possible to visit the Falls at night to see them illuminated by moonbows (rainbows caused by mist and light from the falls). Visiting Iguazu Falls is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. It’s no wonder that First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt felt pity on America’s Niagara Falls when she saw Iguazu and said, “Poor Niagara!”.

8. Niagara Falls

Located at the border between Ontario, Canada and New York State in the United States, Niagara Falls are a natural wonder that attracts millions of tourists each year. It is one of the most famous waterfalls in the world and has been the site of many daredevil stunts including a number of people who have successfully gone over the falls in barrels.

The massive waterfall is made up of three separate sections: Horseshoe Falls, American Falls and Bridal Veil Falls. The falls are formed by the collision of two tectonic plates, creating a unique combination of rock types that allows for the rapids to form and change shape as they travel downstream.

The roar of the water crashing over the Falls creates a large whirlpool called the Niagara Gorge. The gorge is the largest natural whirlpool in the world and changes its direction every time the river’s flow changes.

9. Iceland’s Snfellsjökull

A UNESCO World Heritage Site, Snfellsjokull is a glacier-capped volcano that inspired Jules Verne’s Journey to the Center of the Earth. Its mystical properties make this Icelandic wonder a favorite destination for soul-searchers.

Visitors can experience the glacier on a snowcat tour or by hiking its surface. Alternatively, they can take a guided tour into the Vatnshellir Lava Cave.

The Snfellsjokull National Park is also home to a wealth of natural beauty, including the majestic Godafoss Waterfall, a horseshoe-shaped cascade that carries mythological significance. The area’s rugged terrain evokes adventure with a sense of unbounded wilderness. The park’s cultural history includes humble relics of sod houses and medieval fishing stations. Its diverse wildlife includes seals, whales, and puffins. The area also boasts a wide variety of plants, including mosses and alpine vegetation. Other features include the Djupalonssandur pebble beach and Dritvk, an exceptionally beautiful cove.



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